Tag Archives: dedication table

Remembering loved ones at your wedding

Today is the day of my good friend & mentor’s funeral service, the man who helped mold me into the photographer I am today. Every time I lay on the ground to take a photo or climb into a tree or something to get a different perspective, I’m reminded of him.

I wanted to talk about having a place for the dead at your wedding. I know it sounds a bit morbid, but I think it’s one of the sweetest gestures. We must remember our past to know where we’re going.

The easiest way to remember loved ones at your wedding is to dedicate a table or alter to photos of them. Let’s think about some other, more unique ways to remember them.

Offer their favorite food or drink. You could offer it as one of the options at your bar. If your loved one had a favorite food or flavor, you could offer this as an option at your wedding.

You could wear something of theirs. Maybe it’s a bobble in your bouquet, or something like a watch or cuff link. Tie something to the inside of your dress or wear their hat.

Save them a seat at your wedding ceremony and/or reception. You could put up a reserved sign at their seat with their picture. You could even go as far as setting a plate at their seat and leaving a glass of their favorite drink there.

Release butterflies at your wedding. It’s been believed for a long time that butterflies are often signs from deceased loved ones. Since your loved one is now freed from their physical restrictions, they are able to manifest a part of their energy into insects and small animals. Just make sure to do research before buying live animals to release. If your wedding is during a time where it could be harmful for them, maybe consider doing something different.

Play their song. Did they have a favorite song, or a wedding song that was special to them? Make sure to tell your DJ to play the song. You could even have a special dance in remembrance.

What are some other unique ways to remember your loved ones?

A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX
Kelly Urban Photography

A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX

A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX
Kelly Urban Photography

A Houston wedding photographer