Category Archives: Bridal Portrait

The New “Normal”?

When shit hit the fan, everyone told themselves, ‘it’s okay, it will go away, it will all be fine.’ We’ve nearly gone a year with COVID and for the next year at least, I see there being a ‘new normal’ for weddings.

Even when COVID calms down (finally) and people start to feel safe, there will still be people who don’t trust their new felt safety. What does that mean for weddings?

This means I get to become an intimate wedding photographer. I imagine the size of weddings will continue to be at a reduced size. There will be more intimate weddings of 50 or fewer guests. This could be GREAT for the wedding industry.

Hear me out, fewer guests means that couples can spend more money on themselves and the decorations they wanted, the flowers they really wanted and the top (most extravagant) intimate wedding photography package.

What I envision is a full scaled styled shoot for a real wedding. We as wedding professionals know that a styled shoot is just an extravagant wedding we would like to shoot, and use as inspiration for our clients. Everyone brings out the big guns, decorators bring their best, most expensive, decorations. Florists make designs they’ve been dreaming of since they were little, treats and mobile booze bars are arranged to perfection…

I imagine the new ‘normal’ might look like this:

  • 50 or fewer guests
  • a virtual experience for friends and family who couldn’t make it
  • Decorations to make your friends and family jealous.
  • The most romantic wedding you could have imagined.



Kayla’s Bridal Portraits at White Oaks on the Bayou

Kayla and her mom met me on a sunny day in January at White Oaks on the Bayou to take her bridal portraits. I was so thankful the weather was clear and dry for a few days so we could venue out into the fields at White Oaks to take photos.

Last Saturday was Kayla & Bruce’s wedding day! Congratulations to the happy couple. I can’t wait to share their wedding photos with you. Come back in a week to see their wedding photography!




See some of my other bridal portraits below.


Bethany’s Rainy indoor Bridal Portraits at the Houston Oaks Gun Club

Congratulations to Cameron & Bethany on their wedding! I am so excited that I can now share Bethany’s bridal portraits.

It was a cold and rainy Sunday when we ventured out to take Bethany’s bridal portraits at the Houston Oaks Gun Club, but the weather did not dampen Bethany’s mood. I loved all of Bethany’s details, they are so happy and bubbly just like Bethany’s personality. The beautiful bride was all smiles the entire evening, even with the weather. We even ventured out into the rain to take a few photos under an umbrella.

Comeback next Tuesday to see photos from their wedding day.


Dallis’s Backyard Bridal Session

Happy wedding day to Dallis & Trey!

The day has finally arrived.

Dallis came down for the weekend (a month ago) from Lafayette for her gorgeous dusk bridal session at her fathers home in Damon, Texas where she has now just tied the knot.

There is something so fun and natural about taking photos in the comfort of your home.

I had so much fun taking photos of Dallis (and her brother). Her family came in from Louisiana and parts of Houston to help out, and they were such a big help. I absolutely love it when friends and family get involved and help with posing and to make the subject smile.

One thing that made my jaw drop, her Grandmother and Aunt made her wedding dress. First off, it is an amazing dress in by itself with the baby pink color and that dip in the front and the back (which looked stunning on Dallis), but to hear that her Grandmother made it just blew my mind.

We took portraits around the backyard of her Fathers property, right were she and Trey just got married. I loved the old moss covered oak trees, the fallen tree wrapped in lights and who could forget about that swing! What an amazing place to take photos. What an amazing place to get married.



Dress: Homemade!

Bouquet: Homemade!

Venue: Home!

Ariana’s White oaks on the Bayou Bridal Portraits

Happy Wedding Day to Ariana & Hunter!

I can’t believe this day is finally here. I am sure after all of their hard work, Ariana & Hunter can’t either.

As it is my tradition to keep bridal portraits under lock and key until after the wedding day– for obvious reasons– I am starting a new tradition. I’m sharing the bridal session on the wedding day, after Hunter has had his chance to see Ariana first.

A little over a month ago, I met up with Ariana, her mother and sister, Sophia at White Oaks on the Bayou out in Simonton. It was a pretty steamy May afternoon. Luckily, we were able to take the majority of the bridal portraits inside the White Oaks venue. We only ventured out for a few minutes at the end. Thank God for the breeze!

Ariana’s mom and Sophia were such a huge help! I couldn’t have gotten half of the amazing photos I did with out their help. Also, I probably would have fallen off Betsy, my ladder, if it weren’t for their assistance.

Ariana looked stunning in that lace adorned mermaid gown. I’m especially obsessed with the crystal and rose-gold belt. The belt matched Ariana & Hunter’s ring perfectly. In fact, her necklace and earnings were also the same breathtaking rose-gold color. The long veil put the look over the top. I loved that the veil was just a little longer than her train. Can you believe she bought if off someone on Facebook!? Ariana made that dress look good! I wish I could pull off the mermaid look.

Lades and gentlemen, here’s what the future wedding trends are going to look like. Let us know what you think about the bridal portrait session or just congratulate the happy couple on just now tying the knot, literally.



Dress: David’s Bridal

Flowers: The Floral Leaf

Venue: White Oaks on the Bayou

Hair & Makeup: Empire Faces
(Side note: The makeup stood the test of the Texas heat and humidity amazingly!)

A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX
Kelly Urban Photography

A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX

A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX
Kelly Urban Photography

A Houston wedding photographer