The beginning of a new chapter

I just did a good thing. I don’t regret this thing at all…

There were a lot of firsts yesterday. It was Tristan’s first day of First grade and my first day as a full time wedding photographer.

My parents did a good job of raising me to be financially aware. That being said, I’ve wanted to go full time with my wedding photography business for a while now. Andy and I quietly started saving up and living off of his paycheck last December.

I was forced to pull the trigger last month. We were given the option to send Tristan back to school or set him up as a virtual student. After talking with Andy, my parents (who’ve been helping me with Tristan) and Tristan’s physician, we decided the best option for us was virtual learning.

I’m excited to start this new chapter in my life. I can’t wait to see what the rest of this year brings.


A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX
Kelly Urban Photography

A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX

A Southwest Houston wedding photographer
Richmond, TX
Kelly Urban Photography

A Houston wedding photographer